Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Modern Dinosaur

Three stories tall with the ability to chew up a mountain in no time the high wall miner we saw today was quite impressive.  However the fact that one of these monstrosities cost 8 million dollars and with all the support equipment represent a 20 million dollar investment they are more than impressive.  Manufacturing of this nature is what I hope West Virginia's economy can become.  This also gives WV access to the the rest of the world. Today we went from the past to the future in the matter of minutes.  Everything we have done gives me a greater understanding of not just the coal industry but  also the very fabric of WV.  I believe the real lessons to be learned is that not all coal operators were satin incorporated, and not all of the individuals on the other side were saints.

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Students now can have an idea of what it costs to work in the coal industry
